Wellness Articles

Roadwork and U-Turns: Couples with Kids DAY 2

Welcome to DAY 2 of Couples with Kids! If you haven’t seen it, start with day one here:  https://www.eldoradocountytherapy.com/couples-with-kids-start-here/ Ready for more? Let’s talk about laying some groundwork and the importance of U-Turns. More often than not, when couples walk through

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Couples with Kids- Start here!

Welcome to Day 1 of Couples with Kids, where we work on turning up the intimacy, connection, and heat (rawwwr) in your relationship. Today we are going to focus on problem solving our biggest roadblocks that stop us from getting

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Passion After Kids

Hey parents- I see you. After working all day/ wrangling tiny dictators/ cooking/ attempting to clean the never ending mess of the house/chasing the dog/ keeping the aforementioned tiny dictators alive- the last thing on your mind is romance. Shoot,

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Life after summer

Ah Summer. Even though it’s so hot you’re sweating through your clothes, there is an unmistakable energy in the air. Kids and teachers are out of school, vacations are in full swing, late sunsets mean you’re more inspired to actually

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Every Marriage is a Mistake

“Every marriage is a mistake. Some people just cope with their mistakes better than others.”- Salvador Minuchin You might be reading this and thinking “why in the hell would a relationship therapist post such a depressing quote?” And I’ll tell

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I call foul!

So lets take a trip back to when you first started dating your partner. Chances are, you thought they were pretty awesome in a million different ways-and they had a cute butt which sealed the deal 😉 During this “honeymoon”

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All you need is love…right?

Tonight, I’m writing about a topic that is truly near and dear to my heart. It’s love. More specifically the love found in the relationships we choose to have with one another. Spouses, parents, children, friends. This, is why I

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